

Simple finite maps

A finite map from A into B (finite_map A B) is a mapping from A to option B, in which only finitely many arguments map to anything other than None.

finite_map : intersect (i : level) . U i -> U i -> U i

The operations on a finite map are lookup, empty, update, remove, and merge:

lookup : intersect (i : level) . forall (A B : U i) . finite_map A B -> A -> option B
       (2 implicit arguments)

empty : intersect (i : level) . forall (A B : U i) . eqtest A -> finite_map A B
      (2 implicit arguments)

update : intersect (i : level) .
            forall (A B : U i) . finite_map A B -> A -> B -> finite_map A B
       (2 implicit arguments)

remove : intersect (i : level) . forall (A B : U i) . finite_map A B -> A -> finite_map A B
       (2 implicit arguments)

merge : intersect (i : level) .
           forall (A B : U i) . finite_map A B -> finite_map A B -> finite_map A B
      (2 implicit arguments)

The update operation update f a b produces a new finite map that maps a to Some b. If a was already in f’s domain, it overwrites a’s old mapping. The merge operation merge f g combines the two finite maps into one; if an argument is in both domains, the left-hand mapping takes precedence.

To build a finite map requires the domain type to have decidable equality. The equality test is supplied to the empty operation.

eqtest : intersect (i : level) . U i -> U i
       = fn A . { e : A -> A -> bool | forall (x y : A) . x = y : A <-> Bool.istrue (e x y) }

finite_map_impl_eqtest : intersect (i : level) .
                            forall (A B : U i) . finite_map A B -> eqtest A

A recommended way to use empty is to define eqt : eqtest A, then define myempty to be empty eqt. If myempty is then made a soft constant, the lemmas that follow will work with myempty without any additional effort.

Finite maps have extensional equality:

finite_map_ext : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (f g : finite_map A B) .
                    (forall (a : A) . lookup f a = lookup g a : option B)
                    -> f = g : finite_map A B

Several principles determine how the operations interact with lookup:

lookup_empty : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (e : eqtest A) (a : A) .
                  lookup (empty e) a = None : option B

lookup_update : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (f : finite_map A B) (a : A) (b : B) .
                   lookup (update f a b) a = Some b : option B

lookup_update_neq : forall
                       (i : level)
                       (A B : U i)
                       (f : finite_map A B)
                       (a : A)
                       (b : B)
                       (a' : A) .
                       a != a' : A -> lookup (update f a b) a' = lookup f a' : option B

lookup_remove : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (f : finite_map A B) (a : A) .
                   lookup (remove f a) a = None : option B

lookup_remove_neq : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (f : finite_map A B) (a a' : A) .
                       a != a' : A -> lookup (remove f a) a' = lookup f a' : option B

lookup_merge_left : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (f g : finite_map A B) (a : A) (b : B) .
                       lookup f a = Some b : option B
                       -> lookup (merge f g) a = Some b : option B

lookup_merge_right : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (f g : finite_map A B) (a : A) .
                        lookup f a = None : option B
                        -> lookup (merge f g) a = lookup g a : option B

We can obtain other corollaries about finite maps using the above and extensional equality:

update_update : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (f : finite_map A B) (a : A) (b b' : B) .
                   update (update f a b) a b' = update f a b' : finite_map A B

update_update_neq : forall
                       (i : level)
                       (A B : U i)
                       (f : finite_map A B)
                       (a : A)
                       (b : B)
                       (a' : A)
                       (b' : B) .
                       a != a' : A
                       -> update (update f a b) a' b'
                            = update (update f a' b') a b
                            : finite_map A B

remove_empty : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (e : eqtest A) (a : A) .
                  remove (empty e) a = empty e : finite_map A B

remove_update : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (f : finite_map A B) (a : A) (b : B) .
                   remove (update f a b) a = remove f a : finite_map A B

remove_update_neq : forall
                       (i : level)
                       (A B : U i)
                       (f : finite_map A B)
                       (a : A)
                       (b : B)
                       (a' : A) .
                       a != a' : A
                       -> remove (update f a b) a' = update (remove f a') a b : finite_map A B

remove_absent : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (f : finite_map A B) (a : A) .
                   lookup f a = None : option B -> remove f a = f : finite_map A B

merge_empty_left : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (e : eqtest A) (f : finite_map A B) .
                      merge (empty e) f = f : finite_map A B

merge_empty_right : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (e : eqtest A) (f : finite_map A B) .
                       merge f (empty e) = f : finite_map A B

update_merge_left : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (f g : finite_map A B) (a : A) (b : B) .
                       update (merge f g) a b = merge (update f a b) g : finite_map A B

update_merge_right : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (f g : finite_map A B) (a : A) (b : B) .
                        lookup f a = None : option B
                        -> update (merge f g) a b = merge f (update g a b) : finite_map A B

remove_merge : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (f g : finite_map A B) (a : A) .
                  remove (merge f g) a = merge (remove f a) (remove g a) : finite_map A B

The derived notion of membership is useful:

member : intersect (i : level) . forall (A B : U i) . finite_map A B -> A -> U i
       = fn A B f a . exists (b : B) . lookup f a = Some b : option B
       (2 implicit arguments)

remove_absent' : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (f : finite_map A B) (a : A) .
                    not (member f a) -> remove f a = f : finite_map A B

lookup_merge_left' : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (f g : finite_map A B) (a : A) .
                        member f a -> lookup (merge f g) a = lookup f a : option B

lookup_merge_right' : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (f g : finite_map A B) (a : A) .
                         not (member f a) -> lookup (merge f g) a = lookup g a : option B

decidable_member : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (f : finite_map A B) (a : A) .
                      Decidable.decidable (member f a)
Mapping over finite maps
map : intersect (i : level) .
         forall (A B C : U i) . (A -> B -> C) -> finite_map A B -> finite_map A C

map_identity : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (f : finite_map A B) .
                  map (fn v0 x . x) f = f : finite_map A B

map_compose : forall
                 (i : level)
                 (A B C D : U i)
                 (g : A -> C -> D)
                 (h : A -> B -> C)
                 (f : finite_map A B) .
                 map g (map h f) = map (fn x y . g x (h x y)) f : finite_map A D

lookup_map : forall (i : level) (A B C : U i) (g : A -> B -> C) (f : finite_map A B) (a : A) .
                lookup (map g f) a = (g a) (lookup f a) : option C

map_empty : forall (i : level) (A B C : U i) (g : A -> B -> C) (e : eqtest A) .
               map g (empty e) = empty e : finite_map A C

map_update : forall
                (i : level)
                (A B C : U i)
                (g : A -> B -> C)
                (f : finite_map A B)
                (a : A)
                (b : B) .
                map g (update f a b) = update (map g f) a (g a b) : finite_map A C

map_remove : forall (i : level) (A B C : U i) (g : A -> B -> C) (f : finite_map A B) (a : A) .
                map g (remove f a) = remove (map g f) a : finite_map A C

map_merge : forall (i : level) (A B C : U i) (g : A -> B -> C) (f f' : finite_map A B) .
               map g (merge f f') = merge (map g f) (map g f') : finite_map A C

member_map : forall (i : level) (A B C : U i) (a : A) (g : A -> B -> C) (f : finite_map A B) .
                member (map g f) a <-> member f a
Combination (a.k.a. symmetric merge)
combine : intersect (i : level) .
             forall (A B : U i) .
               finite_map A B -> finite_map A B -> (A -> B -> B -> B) -> finite_map A B
        = fn A B f g h .
             merge (map (fn a b . (fnind option_fn : forall (v0 : option [B]) . B of
                                   | None . b
                                   | Some b' . h a b b') (lookup g a)) f) g
        (2 implicit arguments)

combine_transpose : forall
                       (i : level)
                       (A B : U i)
                       (f g : finite_map A B)
                       (h : A -> B -> B -> B) .
                       combine f g h = combine g f (fn a b b' . h a b' b) : finite_map A B

lookup_combine_left : forall
                         (i : level)
                         (A B : U i)
                         (f g : finite_map A B)
                         (h : A -> B -> B -> B)
                         (a : A) .
                         lookup g a = None : option B
                         -> lookup (combine f g h) a = lookup f a : option B

lookup_combine_right : forall
                          (i : level)
                          (A B : U i)
                          (f g : finite_map A B)
                          (h : A -> B -> B -> B)
                          (a : A) .
                          lookup f a = None : option B
                          -> lookup (combine f g h) a = lookup g a : option B

lookup_combine_both : forall
                         (i : level)
                         (A B : U i)
                         (f g : finite_map A B)
                         (h : A -> B -> B -> B)
                         (a : A)
                         (b b' : B) .
                         lookup f a = Some b : option B
                         -> lookup g a = Some b' : option B
                         -> lookup (combine f g h) a = Some (h a b b') : option B

combine_empty_left : forall
                        (i : level)
                        (A B : U i)
                        (e : eqtest A)
                        (f : finite_map A B)
                        (h : A -> B -> B -> B) .
                        combine (empty e) f h = f : finite_map A B

combine_empty_right : forall
                         (i : level)
                         (A B : U i)
                         (e : eqtest A)
                         (f : finite_map A B)
                         (h : A -> B -> B -> B) .
                         combine f (empty e) h = f : finite_map A B

combine_update_left_absent : forall
                                (i : level)
                                (A B : U i)
                                (f g : finite_map A B)
                                (h : A -> B -> B -> B)
                                (a : A)
                                (b : B) .
                                lookup g a = None : option B
                                -> combine (update f a b) g h
                                     = update (combine f g h) a b
                                     : finite_map A B

combine_update_right_absent : forall
                                 (i : level)
                                 (A B : U i)
                                 (f g : finite_map A B)
                                 (h : A -> B -> B -> B)
                                 (a : A)
                                 (b : B) .
                                 lookup f a = None : option B
                                 -> combine f (update g a b) h
                                      = update (combine f g h) a b
                                      : finite_map A B

combine_update_left_present : forall
                                 (i : level)
                                 (A B : U i)
                                 (f g : finite_map A B)
                                 (h : A -> B -> B -> B)
                                 (a : A)
                                 (b b' : B) .
                                 lookup g a = Some b' : option B
                                 -> combine (update f a b) g h
                                      = update (combine f g h) a (h a b b')
                                      : finite_map A B

combine_update_right_present : forall
                                  (i : level)
                                  (A B : U i)
                                  (f g : finite_map A B)
                                  (h : A -> B -> B -> B)
                                  (a : A)
                                  (b b' : B) .
                                  lookup f a = Some b' : option B
                                  -> combine f (update g a b) h
                                       = update (combine f g h) a (h a b' b)
                                       : finite_map A B

combine_remove_left_absent : forall
                                (i : level)
                                (A B : U i)
                                (f g : finite_map A B)
                                (h : A -> B -> B -> B)
                                (a : A) .
                                lookup g a = None : option B
                                -> combine (remove f a) g h
                                     = remove (combine f g h) a
                                     : finite_map A B

combine_remove_right_absent : forall
                                 (i : level)
                                 (A B : U i)
                                 (f g : finite_map A B)
                                 (h : A -> B -> B -> B)
                                 (a : A) .
                                 lookup f a = None : option B
                                 -> combine f (remove g a) h
                                      = remove (combine f g h) a
                                      : finite_map A B

combine_remove_left_present : forall
                                 (i : level)
                                 (A B : U i)
                                 (f g : finite_map A B)
                                 (h : A -> B -> B -> B)
                                 (a : A)
                                 (b : B) .
                                 lookup g a = Some b : option B
                                 -> combine (remove f a) g h
                                      = update (combine f g h) a b
                                      : finite_map A B

combine_remove_right_present : forall
                                  (i : level)
                                  (A B : U i)
                                  (f g : finite_map A B)
                                  (h : A -> B -> B -> B)
                                  (a : A)
                                  (b : B) .
                                  lookup f a = Some b : option B
                                  -> combine f (remove g a) h
                                       = update (combine f g h) a b
                                       : finite_map A B

map_combine : forall
                 (i : level)
                 (A B C : U i)
                 (k : A -> B -> C)
                 (f g : finite_map A B)
                 (h : A -> B -> B -> B)
                 (h' : A -> C -> C -> C) .
                 (forall (a : A) (b b' : B) . k a (h a b b') = h' a (k a b) (k a b') : C)
                 -> map k (combine f g h) = combine (map k f) (map k g) h' : finite_map A C

Finite map domains

Finite maps have finite domains, but it is difficult to obtain them without a canonical ordering on the domain’s type. One version gives the list quotiented by rearrangement:

finite_map_domain_quotient : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (f : finite_map A B) .
                                quotient (L L'
                                            : { L : List.list A
                                              | forall (a : A) . member f a <-> List.In A a L }) .
                                  (forall (a : A) . List.In A a L <-> List.In A a L')

Another version returns the domain squashed:

finite_map_domain_squash : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (f : finite_map A B) .
                              { exists (L : List.list A) .
                                  forall (a : A) . member f a <-> List.In A a L }

Generic finite maps

The submodule Class defines a generic class determining what it means to be a finite map. It is used in the implementation of the simple finite maps above.

The simple finite maps are defined using tools from the Class submodule. The discrepancy between the types of empty versus emp (q.v.) is mediated using the finite_map_impl_eqtest lemma (above) that extracts an equality test from a finite map. (By definition, all equality tests at the same type are equal.)

FiniteMap_finite_map : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (e : eqtest A) .
                          Class.FiniteMap i A B (finite_map A B) (empty e) lookup update remove

FiniteMap_finite_map' : forall (i : level) (A B : U i) (f : finite_map A B) .
                             (finite_map A B)
                             (empty (finite_map_impl_eqtest A B f))


finite_map_subtype : forall (i : level) (A B C : U i) .
                        B <: C -> finite_map A B <: finite_map A C

equipollent_finite_map : forall (i : level) (A B C : U i) .
                            Function.equipollent B C
                            -> Function.equipollent (finite_map A B) (finite_map A C)

subpollent_finite_map : forall (i : level) (A B C : U i) .
                           Function.subpollent B C
                           -> Function.subpollent (finite_map A B) (finite_map A C)

kindlike_finite_map : forall (i : level) (A : U i) (B : U (1 + i)) .
                         B -> Kindlike.kindlike i B -> Kindlike.kindlike i (finite_map A B)