

A form of Kuratowski finiteness:

finite : intersect (i : level) . forall (a : U i) . (a -> U i) -> U i
       = fn a P . exists (L : List.list a) . forall (x : a) . P x -> List.In a x L

Note that the list may contain a superset of the elements satisfying P. This makes the definition easier to work with. For example, the simple form of the finite_subset lemma depends on it.

finite_subset : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (P Q : a -> U i) .
                   (forall (x : a) . P x -> Q x) -> finite Q -> finite P

decidable_forall_finite : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (P Q : a -> U i) .
                             finite P
                             -> (forall (x : a) . Decidable.decidable (P x))
                             -> (forall (x : a) . P x -> Decidable.decidable (Q x))
                             -> Decidable.decidable (forall (x : a) . P x -> Q x)

decidable_exists_finite : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (P Q : a -> U i) .
                             finite P
                             -> (forall (x : a) . Decidable.decidable (P x))
                             -> (forall (x : a) . P x -> Decidable.decidable (Q x))
                             -> Decidable.decidable (exists (x : a) . P x & Q x)

decidable_exists_finite_simple : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (P : a -> U i) .
                                    finite P
                                    -> (forall (x : a) . Decidable.decidable (P x))
                                    -> Decidable.decidable (exists (x : a) . P x)