

The type partial A is the type of partial computable objects:

partial : intersect (i : level) . U i -> U i

The (possibly partial) term M belongs to partial A if M : A whenever M halts.

The predicate halts M indicates that the term M halts:

halts : intersect (i : level) (a : U i) . partial a -> U 0

partial_elim : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (x : partial a) . halts x -> x : a

The predicate admiss A indicates that A is eligible for fixpoint induction.

admiss : intersect (i : level) . U i -> U i

fixpoint_induction : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (f : partial a -> partial a) .
                        admiss a -> fix f : partial a

A principal tool for showing that a type is admissible is to show that it is upwards closed with respect to computational approximation. Such types are called uptypes:

uptype : intersect (i : level) . U i -> U i

uptype_impl_admiss : forall (i : level) (a : U i) . uptype a -> admiss a

The advantage of uptypes is they have very good closure properties. Nearly every type that does not involve partiality is an uptype.

The divergent term bottom belongs to every partial type:

bottom : intersect (i : level) (a : U i) . partial a
       = fix (fn v0 . v0)