

The module provides predicates for expressing permuations and partial permutations of lists.


The Perm l l' predicate expresses that l and l' are permuations of one another:

  intersect (i : level) .
  forall (a : U i) .
  U i
  Perm : list a -> list a -> type =
  | Perm_nil :
      Perm nil nil
  | Perm_cons :
      forall h t t' .
        Perm t t'
        -> Perm (h :: t) (h :: t')
  | Perm_swap :
      forall x y t .
        Perm (x :: y :: t) (y :: x :: t)
  | Perm_trans :
      forall l1 l2 l3 .
        Perm l1 l2
        -> Perm l2 l3
        -> Perm l1 l3


Perm : intersect (i : level) . forall (a : U i) . list a -> list a -> U i
     (1 implicit argument)

Perm_nil : intersect (i : level) . forall (a : U i) . Perm nil nil

Perm_cons : intersect (i : level) .
               forall (a : U i) (h : a) (t t' : list a) . Perm t t' -> Perm (h :: t) (h :: t')

Perm_swap : intersect (i : level) .
               forall (a : U i) (x y : a) (t : list a) . Perm (x :: y :: t) (y :: x :: t)

Perm_trans : intersect (i : level) .
                forall (a : U i) (l1 l2 l3 : list a) . Perm l1 l2 -> Perm l2 l3 -> Perm l1 l3

Operations on permutations:

Perm_refl : intersect (i : level) . forall (a : U i) (l : list a) . Perm l l

Perm_symm : intersect (i : level) .
               forall (a : U i) (l1 l2 : list a) . Perm l1 l2 -> Perm l2 l1

Perm_append_right : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l1 l1' l2 : list a) .
                       Perm l1 l1' -> Perm (append l1 l2) (append l1' l2)

Perm_append_left : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l1 l2 l2' : list a) .
                      Perm l2 l2' -> Perm (append l1 l2) (append l1 l2')

Perm_append : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l1 l1' l2 l2' : list a) .
                 Perm l1 l1' -> Perm l2 l2' -> Perm (append l1 l2) (append l1' l2')

Perm_cons_snoc : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (h : a) (t : list a) .
                    Perm (h :: t) (append t (h :: nil))

Perm_snoc_cons : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (h : a) (t : list a) .
                    Perm (append t (h :: nil)) (h :: t)

Perm_cons_middle : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (x : a) (l1 l2 : list a) .
                      Perm (x :: append l1 l2) (append l1 (x :: l2))

Perm_middle_cons : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (x : a) (l1 l2 : list a) .
                      Perm (append l1 (x :: l2)) (x :: append l1 l2)

Perm_append_swap : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l1 l2 : list a) .
                      Perm (append l1 l2) (append l2 l1)

If two lists in permuation contain the same element, then the rest of the lists are in permutation:

Perm_middle_invert : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (x : a) (l1 l1' l2 l2' : list a) .
                        Perm (append l1 (x :: l2)) (append l1' (x :: l2'))
                        -> Perm (append l1 l2) (append l1' l2')

It is proven using the lemma:

Perm_middle_form : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (x : a) (l1 l2 m : list a) .
                      Perm (append l1 (x :: l2)) m
                      -> exists (m1 m2 : list a) .
                           m = append m1 (x :: m2) : list a
                           & Perm (append l1 l2) (append m1 m2)

A corollary is when the distinguished element is first:

Perm_cons_invert : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (x : a) (l l' : list a) .
                      Perm (x :: l) (x :: l') -> Perm l l'

The effect of permutations on other list-related concepts:

Perm_implies_In : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l l' : list a) .
                     Perm l l' -> forall (x : a) . In a x l -> In a x l'

Perm_implies_In_iff : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l l' : list a) .
                         Perm l l' -> forall (x : a) . In a x l <-> In a x l'

length_Perm : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l l' : list a) .
                 Perm l l' -> length l = length l' : nat

Forall_Perm : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (P : a -> U i) (l l' : list a) .
                 Perm l l' -> Forall P l -> Forall P l'

Forall_Perm_Iff : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (P : a -> U i) (l l' : list a) .
                     Perm l l' -> Forall P l <-> Forall P l'

Exists_Perm : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (P : a -> U i) (l l' : list a) .
                 Perm l l' -> Exists P l -> Exists P l'

Exists_Perm_iff : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (P : a -> U i) (l l' : list a) .
                     Perm l l' -> Exists P l <-> Exists P l'

Perm_reverse : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l : list a) . Perm l (reverse l)

reverse_Perm : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l l' : list a) .
                  Perm l l' -> Perm (reverse l) (reverse l')

Perm_map : forall (i : level) (a b : U i) (f : a -> b) (l l' : list a) .
              Perm l l' -> Perm (map f l) (map f l')

foldr_Perm : forall (i : level) (a b : U i) (z : b) (f : a -> b -> b) .
                (forall (x x' : a) (y : b) . f x (f x' y) = f x' (f x y) : b)
                -> forall (l l' : list a) . Perm l l' -> foldr z f l = foldr z f l' : b

foldl_Perm : forall (i : level) (a b : U i) (z : b) (f : a -> b -> b) .
                (forall (x x' : a) (y : b) . f x (f x' y) = f x' (f x y) : b)
                -> forall (l l' : list a) . Perm l l' -> foldl z f l = foldl z f l' : b

Forall_dist_Perm : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (P : a -> a -> U i) (l l' : list a) .
                      (forall (x y : a) . P x y -> P y x)
                      -> Perm l l'
                      -> Forall_dist P l
                      -> Forall_dist P l'

Forall_dist_Perm_iff : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (P : a -> a -> U i) (l l' : list a) .
                          (forall (x y : a) . P x y -> P y x)
                          -> Perm l l'
                          -> Forall_dist P l <-> Forall_dist P l'

We can isolate a permutation as its own object:

  intersect (i : level) .
  U i
  perm : type =
  | perm_refl : perm
  | perm_cons : perm -> perm
  | perm_swap : perm
  | perm_trans : perm -> perm -> perm

The permute operation applies a permutation to a list:

permute : intersect (i : level) (a : U i) . perm -> list a -> list a

permute (perm_refl) l --> l
permute (perm_cons p) nil --> nil

permute (perm_cons p) (cons h t) --> cons h (permute p t)

permute (perm_swap) nil --> nil

permute (perm_swap) (cons x nil) --> cons x nil

permute (perm_swap) (cons x (cons y t)) --> cons y (cons x t)

permute (perm_trans p1 p2) l --> permute p2 (permute p1 l)

Note that when a list is too short for permute to perform its usual action, it does nothing.

Lists are permutations of one another exactly when one can be obtained from the other by a permutation:

Perm_permute : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (p : perm) (l : list a) . Perm l (permute p l)

Perm_impl_permute : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l l' : list a) .
                       Perm l l' -> exists (p : perm) . permute p l = l' : list a

Partial permutations

We can recapitulate most of the above for partial permutations.

  intersect (i : level) .
  forall (a : U i) .
  U i
  PPerm : list a -> list a -> type =
  | PPerm_nil :
      PPerm nil nil
  | PPerm_cons :
      forall h t t' .
        PPerm t t'
        -> PPerm (h :: t) (h :: t')
  | PPerm_swap :
      forall x y t .
        PPerm (x :: y :: t) (y :: x :: t)
  | PPerm_trans :
      forall l1 l2 l3 .
        PPerm l1 l2
        -> PPerm l2 l3
        -> PPerm l1 l3
  | PPerm_drop :
      forall h t .
        PPerm (h :: t) t

Note the addition of PPerm_drop.

PPerm : intersect (i : level) . forall (a : U i) . list a -> list a -> U i
     (1 implicit argument)

PPerm_nil : intersect (i : level) . forall (a : U i) . PPerm nil nil

PPerm_cons : intersect (i : level) .
                forall (a : U i) (h : a) (t t' : list a) .
                  PPerm t t' -> PPerm (h :: t) (h :: t')

PPerm_swap : intersect (i : level) .
                forall (a : U i) (x y : a) (t : list a) . PPerm (x :: y :: t) (y :: x :: t)

PPerm_trans : intersect (i : level) .
                 forall (a : U i) (l1 l2 l3 : list a) .
                   PPerm l1 l2 -> PPerm l2 l3 -> PPerm l1 l3

PPerm_drop : intersect (i : level) . forall (a : U i) (h : a) (t : list a) . PPerm (h :: t) t

PPerm_refl : intersect (i : level) . forall (a : U i) (l : list a) . PPerm l l

Perm_impl_PPerm : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l l' : list a) . Perm l l' -> PPerm l l'

PPerm_drop_all : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l : list a) . PPerm l nil

PPerm_append_right : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l1 l1' l2 : list a) .
                        PPerm l1 l1' -> PPerm (append l1 l2) (append l1' l2)

PPerm_append_left : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l1 l2 l2' : list a) .
                       PPerm l2 l2' -> PPerm (append l1 l2) (append l1 l2')

PPerm_append : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l1 l1' l2 l2' : list a) .
                  PPerm l1 l1' -> PPerm l2 l2' -> PPerm (append l1 l2) (append l1' l2')

PPerm_cons_snoc : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (h : a) (t : list a) .
                     PPerm (h :: t) (append t (h :: nil))

PPerm_snoc_cons : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (h : a) (t : list a) .
                     PPerm (append t (h :: nil)) (h :: t)

PPerm_cons_middle : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (x : a) (l1 l2 : list a) .
                       PPerm (x :: append l1 l2) (append l1 (x :: l2))

PPerm_middle_cons : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (x : a) (l1 l2 : list a) .
                       PPerm (append l1 (x :: l2)) (x :: append l1 l2)

PPerm_drop_middle : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (x : a) (l1 l2 : list a) .
                       PPerm (append l1 (x :: l2)) (append l1 l2)

PPerm_append_swap : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l1 l2 : list a) .
                       PPerm (append l1 l2) (append l2 l1)

PPerm_keep : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l : list a) (n : nat) . PPerm l (keep n l)

PPerm_drops : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l : list a) (n : nat) . PPerm l (drop n l)

PPerm_middle_invert : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (x : a) (l1 l1' l2 l2' : list a) .
                         PPerm (append l1 (x :: l2)) (append l1' (x :: l2'))
                         -> PPerm (append l1 l2) (append l1' l2')

PPerm_middle_form : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (x : a) (l1 l2 m : list a) .
                       PPerm (append l1 (x :: l2)) m
                       -> (exists (m1 m2 : list a) .
                             m = append m1 (x :: m2) : list a
                             & PPerm (append l1 l2) (append m1 m2))
                          % PPerm (append l1 l2) m

PPerm_cons_invert : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (x : a) (l l' : list a) .
                       PPerm (x :: l) (x :: l') -> PPerm l l'

PPerm_implies_In : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l l' : list a) .
                      PPerm l l' -> forall (x : a) . In a x l' -> In a x l

length_PPerm : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l l' : list a) .
                  PPerm l l' -> length l' <= length l

Forall_PPerm : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (P : a -> U i) (l l' : list a) .
                  PPerm l l' -> Forall P l -> Forall P l'

Exists_PPerm : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (P : a -> U i) (l l' : list a) .
                  PPerm l l' -> Exists P l' -> Exists P l

PPerm_reverse_r : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l : list a) . PPerm l (reverse l)

PPerm_reverse_l : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l : list a) . PPerm (reverse l) l

reverse_PPerm : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l l' : list a) .
                   PPerm l l' -> PPerm (reverse l) (reverse l')

PPerm_map : forall (i : level) (a b : U i) (f : a -> b) (l l' : list a) .
               PPerm l l' -> PPerm (map f l) (map f l')

Forall_dist_PPerm : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (P : a -> a -> U i) (l l' : list a) .
                       (forall (x y : a) . P x y -> P y x)
                       -> PPerm l l'
                       -> Forall_dist P l
                       -> Forall_dist P l'

  intersect (i : level) .
  U i
  pperm : type =
  | pperm_refl : pperm
  | pperm_cons : pperm -> pperm
  | pperm_swap : pperm
  | pperm_trans : pperm -> pperm -> pperm
  | pperm_drop : pperm

ppermute : intersect (i : level) (a : U i) . pperm -> list a -> list a

ppermute (pperm_refl) l --> l
ppermute (pperm_cons p) nil --> nil

ppermute (pperm_cons p) (cons h t) --> cons h (ppermute p t)

ppermute (pperm_swap) nil --> nil

ppermute (pperm_swap) (cons x nil) --> cons x nil

ppermute (pperm_swap) (cons x (cons y t)) --> cons y (cons x t)

ppermute (pperm_trans p1 p2) l --> ppermute p2 (ppermute p1 l)

ppermute (pperm_drop) nil --> nil

ppermute (pperm_drop) (cons h t) --> t

PPerm_ppermute : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (p : pperm) (l : list a) .
                    PPerm l (ppermute p l)

PPerm_impl_ppermute : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (l l' : list a) .
                         PPerm l l' -> exists (p : pperm) . ppermute p l = l' : list a


Rearrangement by successive insertion is less general than permutations, and consequently they can be represented less verbosely, by a list of numbers.

insert : intersect (i : level) (a : U i) . nat -> a -> list a -> list a

insert (zero) x l --> x :: l
insert (succ _) x (nil) --> x :: nil
insert (succ n) x (cons h t) --> h :: insert n x t

rearrange : intersect (i : level) (a : U i) . list nat -> list a -> list a

rearrange (nil) l --> l
rearrange (cons _ _) (nil) --> nil
rearrange (cons n p) (cons h t) --> insert n h (rearrange p t)

Perm_insert : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (n : nat) (h : a) (t : list a) .
                 Perm (h :: t) (insert n h t)

Perm_rearrange : forall (i : level) (a : U i) (p : list nat) (l : list a) .
                    Perm l (rearrange p l)