
Primitive tactics

To build a new tactic, one can use the tactic combinators. Alternatively, the tactic type is exposed so one can implement a new tactic natively:

type goal = Judgement.judgement *
type validation = Refine.validation
type validator = validation list -> validation * validation list
type answer = exn

type 'a tacticm = 
   -> (string -> answer)                                              (* failure continuation *)
   -> (('a * goal) list * validator * (string -> answer) -> answer)   (* success continuation *)
   -> answer

type tactic = Message.label tacticm

Let us unpack this:


Many tactics generate typing subgoals. When implementing a tactic, it is good not to solve those goals eagerly, but to save them all so that they can all be addressed at once. (It is not uncommon for one goal to help in the solution of another.) However, the proliferation of typing goals can complicate the assembly of tactics into larger tactics.

To help manage this, the tactic library defines priorities:

datatype priority = Primary | Secondary

The main goals of interest are considered Primary, while typing obligations are considered Secondary. Every tactic that supports a Raw variant also supports a Priority variant, intended for building larger tactics. For example, intro has an introRaw variant, so it also has an introPriority variant:

val introRaw      : IntroPattern.ipattern list -> tactic
val introPriority : IntroPattern.ipattern list -> priority tacticm

The priority variant attaches a priority to each subgoal. This is available using the monadic bind as usual, but for convenience, the tactic library also supplies:

val andthenPri     : priority tacticm -> priority tacticm -> priority tacticm
val andthenlPri    : priority tacticm -> priority tacticm list -> priority tacticm
val andthenlPadPri : priority tacticm -> priority tacticm list -> priority tacticm -> priority tacticm

Running andthenPri tac1 tac2 runs tac1, then runs tac2 on all its subgoals marked Primary. Running andthenlPri tac [tac1, ..., tacn] runs tac, then runs tac1 on its first primary subgoal, tac2 on its second, etc. These have the infix synonyms >>! and >>>!. The andthenlPadPri variant is like andthenlPri but it pads out the list with its third argument if there are too many primary subgoals.


The Tactic module provides some primitive actions:

val refine : Rule.rule -> tactic
val chdir : -> tactic
val cast : Judgement.judgement -> Refine.validation -> tactic
val execute : goal -> tactic -> (Refine.validation, string) Sum.sum

Istari’s primitive rules are in the Rule module, which can be found in prover/trusted/rule.iml. Most of the rules appear in a somewhat human-readable form in prover/trusted/RULES. Many of the rules are repackaged in a more convenient form in RuleTactic, which can be found in prover/rule-tactic.iml.

The internal term representation

The internal term representation appears in the Term module and is given by:

type binder = Symbol.symbol option

datatype native =
   Integer of
 | Symbol of Symbol.symbol

datatype term =
   Var    of int
 | Const  of constant
 | Elim   of term * elim list
 | Lam    of binder * term
 | Pair   of term * term
 | Next   of term
 | Triv
 | Sub    of term * sub
 | Evar   of ebind
 | Native of native

 | Marker of Symbol.symbol

and elim =
   App    of term
 | Pi1
 | Pi2
 | Prev

and sub =
   Shift  of int
 | Dot    of term * sub
 | Idot   of int * sub

The binder in Lam is not significant to the type theory. The implementation uses it to suggest a name for the bound variable. A Marker taking the empty symbol is the internal representation of the hole pseudo-term (__). (The datatype also allows distinguished markers in which a nonempty symbol is used. Currently no tactics use this form.)

Spinal form

Terms are expressed in spinal form. This means that the elimination forms are expressed as a head followed by a sequence of elims. The elims are given innermost first. Thus, the term prev (pi1 (a b) c) is written in spinal form as a b #1 c #prev, and would appear in the code as:

Elim (Const a, [App (Const b), Pi1, App (Const c), Prev])
Explicit substitutions

Terms also written using explicit substitutions. The term m under the substitution s is written m[s] (one only sees this syntax when working with literal terms), and would appear in the code as:

Sub (m, s)

Explicit substitutions are written using Shift and Dot. When the term in Dot is a variable, there is a special case Idot for better performance. Note: de Bruijn indices are counted from 0, which tends to be atypical for explicit substitutions.

The identity substitution id is defined to be Shift 0. Substitution composition is a function rather than a constructor:

compose : sub -> sub -> sub

Unknown terms are represented by evars (also known as “existential variables,” or as “unification variables”), using the abstract type ebind. One can read the current value of an evar, if any, using:

readEbind : ebind -> term option

The primitive operation to write to an ebind is not exposed to the user because it is not always sound. (An occurs check must be performed.) The user may use:

Unify.setEbindSub : ebind -> sub -> term -> bool

Calling setEbindSub e s m will attempt to set e[s] to be equal to m, and returns true if it succeeds. If s is id, this will succeed as long as e is not yet bound, and does not appear in m.

To unwind an evar assignment, one may use the trail mechanism (see below).

Native terms

Integers are implemented “natively” (meaning: using the language’s built-in bignum implementation) for better performance. In contrast, natural numbers are represented in unary, so extremely bad performance is to be expected on all but the smallest calculations. The native type is defined to allow room for future expansion to support other native data types.

Simplification and normalization

The same term can be represented in multiple ways because of spinal form, explicit substitutions, and evars. To obtain the term in a consistent form, one calls Normalize.simplify to put it into simple form, which is given by the grammar:

h  ::= var | const | evar[s]

Mi ::= fn . M
     | (M, M)
     | next M
     | ()
     | native-term
     | marker

(simple form)
Ms ::= h spine
     | Mi
     | Mi nonempty-spine

Simplification resolves substitutions, replaces bound evars, and combines spines to put terms in a standard form that is suitable for pattern matching. (Note that it does so outermost only.)

A stronger condition is weak-head-normal form, which also reduces beta redices:

(weak-head-normal form)
Mn ::= h spine
     | Mi
     | Mi non-matching-spine

In weak-head-normal form, the term normally is either an Elim (possibly with an empty spine) or an intro form.

It is also possible for a weak-head-normal term to be an intro form applied to a nonempty spine whose first elim does not match the intro. (For example (fn . M) #1). Such terms are normally ill-typed, so this case can usually be neglected.

To obtain a weak-head-normal form, one calls Normalize.whnf, or, less commonly, Normalize.whnfHard or Normalize.whnfBasic. These differ according the reduction strategy employed. One can also call Normalize.normalize or Normalize.normalizeHard to reduce recursively and obtain a fully normal form.
